About Us
Our Vision & Legacy
Our Vision
Think about how wonderful heaven will be. There won’t be any feelings loneliness or problems with people in heaven. No isolation, no misunderstandings, nothing said to hurt us, no competition for advantage over us, nothing disagreeable at all! Imagine a life that goes on forever, is never boring, and where everyone gets along.
Even more wonderful than all of this, imagine a life where nothing gets in the way of our relationship with God. Not only will we be with Jesus, we will be constantly aware of His presence to the maximum that we have let the Holy Spirit develop this capacity.
If you are going to heaven, there are some things you might want to do now, before you die and go there. Heaven will have a higher quality of life for those who prepare before they get there. If you embark on this journey with us you will experience a taste of the goodness to come and you just may be transformed.
Come along with us and be discipled! Grow in how to love and support other Christians. Allow the Holy Spirit to change you into the image of Jesus and help others do the same!

I Timothy 4:8 NLT
“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”

Dick Wulf
MSW, Director of the Lamb’s Bride Project and Founder of Heaven Beckons
Our Legacy
The following is a message from our late founder Dick Wulf. Dick was a psychotherapist for over 52 years with a specialty in small group dynamics, a Christian author, and was involved in church leadership positions for over 40 years. He was also a conference speaker and consultant for churches and parachurch organizations. Dick had a radical encounter with God where he received an urgent call to tell the world about preparing for Heaven. You can listen to or read Dick’s message below.